
Published in May 2017 : A little fisher boy, a squirrel , and the Big Bad Wolf…. « Patience petit poisson ! » Editions SYEL « A ce qu’il parait Sireuil… » Editions SYEL * Story : Roxane Tilman « J’habite un loup » Editions de l’Élan vert
Be patient, little fish

Patience, petit poisson. (Be patient, little fish.) « Be Patient, little fish » was a little story I have made two years ago. Patience Rewarded! It’s now an upcoming book published by Syel, a young publishing house.
Little red ball…

Ce petit ballon rouge… (Little red ball) A little red ball lost in the bushes, a bear is playing with , a hedgehog joining him, and then a crocodile, a deer, a turtle …. What happens next ? A little book about friendship, sociability, and integration published by Elan vert publishing. (coming september 2016) Thanks […]
The Stonecutter folktale
I’ve been quite busy working on an editorial project in April. It’s a children’s book coming out in october, a folktale called « The stonecutter », adapted by Nathalie Dargent and published by Piquier Publishing. I can’t really show much at this point. I post the first sketch of the main character. To be continued…